Disaster-Proofing Your Data

What stands between your data and disaster? You do.

IT disasters cost US businesses $1.2 trillion every year. Worldwide, the total is $6.2 trillion. And more of that comes from so-called ‘silent disasters’ software bugs or malware and hardware failures than you’d think.

Getting Ahead of the Internet of Things

IT techs need to be ready when the IoT lands. It’s estimated that well over 20bn devices will be a part of the IoT, ranging from consumer goods like toasters to complex sensor arrays in smart homes and vehicles. The volume of data created by this network will be gigantic, requiring a rethink from organizations in terms of how they view, manage, store, and even think about data.

Why BYOD Has a Bright Future

BYOD - Bring Your Own Device - was an incipient trend in 2014, but it’s expected to fully breach the mainstream in the year ahead as enterprises learn how to make the most of it.

BYOD Teething Troubles

BYOD faced some troubles starting out. The trend comes with some privacy concerns, since workers naturally tend to take their own devices home with them and connect them to non-work-approved networks.

Peak App: Do We Really Need More?

The phrase ‘there’s an app for that’ has achieved the ultimate in internet acceptance - it’s a hashtag and a meme. It’s also increasingly true - apps have proliferated at a massive rate. But does that mean there are now too many, and should you think of building one?

Apps are the lifeblood of mobile internet, and they’re among the fastest growing sectors anywhere in the economy, so it’s hardly surprising that a lot of people want to get in on the action.

5 Creakily Ancient, But Still Really Useful Office Tips

So Microsoft Office isn't exactly a hot new app. In fact, you probably have it open in the background right now, right? And no doubt, you feel like over the past million years you've been using it, you've figured out how to use it pretty well. But there are shortcuts and tips that can save you hours of time - and they’re not always obvious, even to experienced users.

The secrets of YouTube

YouTube has come a long way from its origins as a place to look at kittens and home videos of people’s dogs. There’s a multimillion dollar industry based around it, a new generation of media stars who got their start on the channel and its connection with Google and its ubiquity, to say nothing of how easy it is to embed, mean it gets a lot of use for business purposes too.

5 Projects IT Pros Need to Stop Putting Off

Anyone who’s ever seen an Eisenhower square knows how easy it is to do urgent-but-unimportant stuff today, and put off important-but-non-urgent stuff until tomorrow. We all do it. The danger with that approach is that projects that are actually vital are always on tomorrow’s to-do list – never today’s. Here are 5 IT projects it’s time to shunt up the list to job #1.

1: Software updates – especially in end devices

Increasingly, inhouse IT departments are moving towards a ‘push’ model of updating software, one that distributes software updates to devices on the network from a central point.

Deciding whether to have an in-house IT team or a managed IT services provider (MSP) manage your business IT infrastructure can be difficult. This eBook from Kloud9IT will help you determine which option is best for your company.Click here to download our FREE eBook about choosing between in-house IT and an MSP!