5 Advantages of Hardware as a Service (HaaS)

5 Advantages of Hardware as a Service (HaaS)

Hardware as a Service (HaaS) involves paying your service provider to upgrade, manage, and maintain your hardware monthly. It is advancing daily, just like Software as a Service (SaaS). With HaaS, it is easy to take your IT abilities to the next level without spending too much. It also allows you to change how you secure and maintain your hardware. Here is what Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS) entails and its top benefits for business.

What is Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS)?

What is Hardware-as-a-Service

Haas is a modified concept growing quickly in today's management system. HaaS is a way of providing hardware alongside a management service. If you are operating a small business with less IT support, buying new hardware may not be effective.

If you purchase new items, you are likely to dump them as soon as they become unusable and obsolete. Also, when your IT equipment gets out-of-date, it can be more expensive, especially if you are running a medium-sized or small business. Outdated equipment leads to data loss, poor productivity, and reduced investment returns.

Rather than purchasing new hardware equipment, Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS) offers a comfortable pay-as-you-go structure to several businesses to lease the devices they require, such as multifunction printers and servers. HaaS contract agreements with a company usually include support, IT service, and maintenance.

What are the top benefits of Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS)?

HaaS relieves a multitude of hardware problems. They combine with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to offer significant benefits to businesses of all sizes. HaaS uses Managed Service Providers (MSP) to cover different aspects of your company's IT needs.

The following are the top 5 benefits of Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS):

1. Less capital outlay

Simply put, HaaS saves money. Small and medium-sized businesses usually have monetary challenges. Therefore, by choosing HaaS, the stressful process of purchasing new hardware is not necessary.

Instead of buying new hardware devices, you can subscribe monthly to a Managed Service Provider (MSP). By doing this, you can switch a large monetary revenue into a small cost-saving operational outlay that allows you to save money for other important needs.

No matter the size of your business, it is essential to understand cash flow management because there will be days when you must invest money to improve your IT infrastructure. If you had spent all your money on hardware, you would not be budget-ready for any other capital investment.

Indeed, hardware is necessary but can be too expensive for you. Therefore, with HaaS, you can pay MSP a fee to provide their hardware for your company's use. Choosing HaaS helps you cut costs, even though you can still access any IT equipment of your choice.

2. Simple Scalability

Every business's growth requires putting more capital into important equipment for more scalability. Your company will soon reach the stage where it requires more equipment to support smoother work than usual.

Most business owners may be tempted to get new hardware devices to support their business if there is an ongoing need. If your business is still small or medium, investing in new hardware is not a great idea as the equipment can become useless within a short period of time.

However, with HaaS, you can invest a small amount in the hardware equipment your company requires to keep up with your business. An example of opting for higher scalability is when you use an off-premises service, like storing data in the cloud.

Storing your company's data in the cloud makes offsite information backup easy and achievable for you. Even though your company's information will be in the cloud, the hardware equipment supporting the data will be the host's responsibility. Almost 90% of businesses save their data in the cloud, demonstrating the value of HaaS.

3. Increased Security

Increase Security With Hardware-as-a-Service

Businesses need to do more with their security and hardware. With the rise in cyber threats, it is crucial to update your company's software and hardware to ensure the security of your network and keep it safe from cybercriminals. When you upgrade to the latest hardware, you frustrate the plans and efforts of cyber thieves to access your company's data and wreak havoc.

To have a smooth-running business, you need to maximize your security with HaaS. Your HaaS IT service provider will update and maintain the hardware from time to time. Your hardware plays an important role in your business. Therefore, you can have stronger security with HaaS than using your hardware. You can also spend less in the process.

4. Keeping Current

Small and medium-sized businesses struggle to keep up with the latest technology due to limited financial resources.For example, if you are still running your business with an old-model CPU, you will be knocked out in a highly competitive business environment. Your competitors will outshine you as they have advantages from up-to-date technology.

With HaaS, your Managed Service Provider can carry on providing you with the latest hardware that can handle all your activities properly. HaaS offers you the current technology by replacing the hardware or by upgrading it all the time.

5. Better IT Maintenance

Whether you have money to purchase new hardware, you will have maintenance challenges. Also, maintaining hardware can be expensive if you do not have an IT support team. However, your hardware requires maintenance to prevent ransomware attacks.

HaaS solves your maintenance problems and comes with ongoing IT support and maintenance. So, if you lack knowledge, time, and skills for your hardware maintenance, HaaS offers invaluable support by allowing your MSP to manage your hardware.


If you are still considering improving your business, you should switch to Hardware-as-a-Service. It allows you to enhance your company's productivity with outstanding technology and allows you to save more.

Your Managed Service Provider is responsible for your upkeep and maintenance to allow your host to focus on other business functions. HaaS has amazing benefits for you to avail of. It allows you to save money while also helping you stay current with recent technologies. Each of the benefits listed here can support the growth of your business.

Deciding whether to have an in-house IT team or a managed IT services provider (MSP) manage your business IT infrastructure can be difficult. This eBook from Kloud9IT will help you determine which option is best for your company.Click here to download our FREE eBook about choosing between in-house IT and an MSP!

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