No one enjoys going to the hospital. Whether you're waiting hours in the emergency room or laying in bed waiting for a long-delayed test, there's nothing enjoyable about spending time in your local hospital. Technology, though, might change this. CBS Atlanta recently covered a new survey showing that most people around the world believe that technology has the power to make traditional hospitals a thing of the past.
Intel study
The Intel Corporation performed the study, which found that 57 percent of global respondents believe that the time of traditional hospitals is ending. So what will replace these medical centers? Customized, personal care thanks to evolving technology.
Mobile care
Survey respondents said that they are looking forward to a day in which mobile and personalized technology enables them to keep track of their own health needs. Rather than spend hours in a waiting room or emergency room, patients can instead rely on technology to cover most of their medical needs. Plus here's a surprising result: About 30 percent of respondents stated that they would trust themselves to do their own ultrasounds. The study also found that such innovative medical advances such as monitoring devices and ingestible technologies are more warmly welcomed by countries other than the United States.
No privacy issues?
As CBS Atlanta documented, the survey even discovered that respondents were more interested in improving healthcare than they were about maintaining their privacy. According to the survey results, 84 percent of respondents said they would be happy to provide personal health information if this would provide a more efficient and less expensive medical system.
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