Does $38 get you much of a tablet?

Remember when tablets that were priced under $100 were a big deal? Now tablet makers are selling their products at prices that are even lower. The big question, though, is if these budget-priced tablets are worth the money. Time Magazine recently looked at this question, reviewing the new Ubislate 7Ci tablet from Datawind. What's interesting about this tablet? It only costs $38.

Race to the bottom?

Tablet manufacturers are steadily lowering the prices. It's a race to draw the attention and spending dollars of the most budget-minded of customers. This is good news for consumers, obviously. As tablet prices continue to fall, more consumers can take advantage of these handy mobile computers. But no tablet today costs less than Datawind's latest model.


It seems odd to ask if the Ubislate 7Ci is worth it. It only costs $38. But Time's review claims that the tablet performs about as good as you would think a $38 tablet would be. It doesn’t boast much storage. Its viewing angles are lacking. Its battery dies too quickly. And its performance is definitely slow.

Even cheaper?

Of course, that $38 price tag is impressive. Time admitted this much in its review. And if you are budget-savvy consumer or business owner, Datawind's move is great news. This tablet might not be the right one for you. Nevertheless the existence of the Ubislate 7Ci does prove one thing: Budget tablets are only going to get more affordable. You don't have to pay a small fortune to purchase a tablet any more.

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