Stay Organized With Evernote

Many of us use Evernote, and for evident reasons. It’s a good organizational tool that allows you to save notes, videos, web pages, and photos. You can organize them into notebooks and easily search for a particular note to discover it quickly. But, because it’s so easy to use, many people over look some of the more robust attributes of Evernote.


For instance, you may not realize that it can sync with other devices. You can download the Evernote app onto your smartphone, tablet, and laptop. After logging into your account, Evernote will sync your devices, and will sync them frequently, so that you always have mobile access to your information.

Protect yourself

If you are like me, you save all your critical information in Evernote, including passwords. This can be worrisome if it weren’t for Evernote’s capability to encrypt data.

This is straightforward to do: Just highlight the text that you would like to encrypt, right click your mouse, and choose the “encrypt selected text” option. You then enter a password, confirm that password, and click “OK.” Now your sensitive data is protected.

Outside apps

Evernote also works with a lot of outside apps. We can’t get into all of these here, but one common one is called WritePad. WritePad is an app for the iPad that lets users take notes using their finger or a stylus. They can choose to save it within WritePad or they can upload it straight to Evernote.


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