Want to write better headlines? Use these 7 tips!

It has probably come to your attention that headlines really do matter. We rely on them in most phases of our business these days, whether they are in the form of an ad, a blog post, a video, even an infographic. Your headline could well be the most important part of your content, as it frequently determines whether anyone proceeds any further. This is most definitely true when it comes to email, and advertising. Learning how to craft a winning headline is a task that you simply must excel at for your business.

7 tips you can use to write better headlines

  1. Use numbers and lists - People love to get useful posts and emails listing valuable and useful information they want. Moreover if this list is a numbered list, you’ll be amazed at how much more attention you’ll receive.
  2. Hit their pain points - Hitting on the pain points your readers experience will help gain their trust, and they will be more open to any solutions you have to offer.
  3. Be a bit controversial - Be bold. State your opinions, push the edge of the envelope. Once you have their attention, you can show how brilliant you are, for now, be daring.
  4. Ask questions - Using questions is a terrific way to pique interest. Often they're the exact same questions they would ask, and would also like a solution to.
  5. Keep your headline under 55 characters - This is so that not only will your entire headline show in Google search results, but also in the email subject line without getting shortened.
  6. Test your copy - As with most anything you write for the masses, to get the best response you‘ll want to test your headlines for effect. In some cases one word can make a big difference in an email open rate, which can in turn directly affect your income.
  7. Deliver value - Above all indicate in your headlines the amount of value they can receive. Don’t over-promise, but don’t be shy about extolling what you have to offer!

Remember that the goal of your headlines is always to get the reader to the next step, whether that is reading the post, opening an email or clicking on your ad!

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