Know your social media followers

Having lots of people following your business’ Twitter page is great. But what’s even better is when these followers are inspired to buy your company’s offerings or recommend your company to others. If you wish to create these active followers, the Web site Small Business Trends provides some advice you'll want to follow.

Active Followers

According to Small Business Trends, one of the best ways to gain more interaction from Twitter followers is to find out more about these followers. You can do this with such products as SalesForce Marketing Cloud, SoDash, BirdSong and KnowYourFollowers.

What They Tell You

This software analyzes your Twitter followers to provide you with tons of valuable information: They can tell you where your followers live, where they work, what other Twitter accounts they follow and also how old they are. Knowing this info can help you create a Twitter account that more accurately addresses their wants and needs.


You need to tailor you Twitter posts to the largest possible segments of your followers. Social media analysis programs can help you do this. Once you sharpen your message, you’ll dramatically improve your odds of inspiring your followers to purchase your products and promote your business to their friends and family.

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