Don’t Make These Social Media Mistakes!
Understanding what NOT to do when it comes to social media is nearly as critical as knowing what you should do. Below are some social media blunders to avoid at all costs!
Jokes in poor taste – It should be obvious, but you need to put on your thinking cap before you tweet, update or post. And above all, don't try and take advantage of someone else’s misfortune as a way to promote your products or services. While a celebrity death or embarrassment may seem like easy pickings for trending traffic, you can actually end up alienating more people than you attract!
Offending your customers – Right up there with poor taste humor is the inclination to state your preferences, political, social or otherwise, which may or may not coincide with those of your clients and customers. Use your head! Don’t talk about anything with the general public that could cause offense or be misconstrued, or you’ll pay big for this transgression.
Not making business only accounts – An account solely devoted to your company has not only a greater chance of being found in the search engine results, it projects an altogether more professional image for your business.
Not using social media buttons on your site – These are very easy to use, and available for all social media platforms. You’re basically throwing traffic away if you don’t utilize these simple tools to increase your reach by making them available for your homepage and all the content you create. This is extremely easy to do.
Not using the links from your social sites – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google all allow you to link back to your website from your profile page, as well as from posts. This is an fantastic way to obtain some easy, authoritative links that will help others find you as well.
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