What is your company’s main reason for being unsure about VoIP technology?

It's important to understand that you are not alone in your concerns. However, what do you do with that concern when you know you will have to face it sooner rather than later?

Top Ten Most Common Telecom Business Issues That We Can Help Solve

1. Legacy phone systems in place, headquarters and branch offices all using different systems.              

Keeping these older systems in place is very expensive both in terms of dollars and labor hours required to maintain them.

2. Data network has not been updated to accommodate today's bandwidth intensive services.               

Employee productivity suffers while you are using very expensive services that erode profits.

3. Telecom services used are not optimized and your business is over paying.  

Business pays thousands per year more than it should. Service providers love this!

4. No strategic business collaboration between telecom, technology, and operations. 

Competitors using newer systems and services will consistently outperform in terms of services provided and overall sales capabilities.

5. Lack of a plan to stay current with services and systems.         

Business profitability suffers while employee productivity lags.

6. IT department is so busy maintaining old systems and services that there is no time to innovate.      

Sales are not what they could be; profits are less than what they should be. Lack of innovation is never good.

7. Web site, CRM, data entry, lead generation and email systems are not integrated.   

Productivity is not what it should be and sales will never reach its full potential.

8. Contracts with current suppliers are dictating what changes are made and when.      

Paying more than you should, innovation suffers. Sometimes contracts are worth breaking.

9. There is confusion as to what to do with older phone systems and services. 

The risk with older systems increases daily as there are fewer service people to help fix problems and less parts available for older systems.

10. Misconception that it costs more to upgrade services and systems.

It is less expensive to upgrade your systems and services based on the total costs of ownership being less with new systems and services. Less maintenance costs, and subscription services costs are also reduced.

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