7 People You Should be Following on Twitter

You’re on Twitter, and you’re tired of reading about what your brother-in-law ate for breakfast. You’re interested in following the tweets of folks that actually have something interesting to say.

Well, lucky for you, almost everyone has a Twitter now.  This can include celebrities, scientists, entrepreneurs, and legislators and you can follow them and hear what they have to say.

Below is a list of 7 interesting people who you may choose to follow to make your Twitter experience more entertaining:

  1. Conan O’Brien: This talk-show host’s tweets are always entertaining, follow him @ConanOBrien. An example of the type of wit you’ll find on his Twitter is: “I wonder if my car’s blind spot compensates with a heightened sense of touch and smell.”
  2. Marissa Mayer: Mayer is the first female engineer at Google, you can get a glimpse into the life of a tech expert as well as learn some interesting things about Google by following her @Marissamayer.
  3. Mike Massimino: If you’re thinking about what life at NASA is like, follow this astronaut’s Twitter feed: @Astro_Mike
  4. Rainn Wilson: It is likely you know Rainn better from the character of Dwight Schrute on the popular Tv program The Office. What you probably don’t know is that his Twitter feed is just as entertaining as the show. Follow him @Rainnwilson.
  5. Ryan Penagos: If you’re curious about Comics, Ryan Penagos Twitter feed helps keep you up to date. He is the editorial director of Marvel Comics and he recently tweeted regarding a new Spider-Man video game.
  6. Barack Obama: You may or may not have voted for him but he is the Commander and Chief. Learn what’s on his mind on a daily bases @BarackObama.
  7. Bill Gates: Bill Gates has made an undeniable impact on the tech world. Learn what’s going on in his life and about the charitable causes he and his wife support @BillGates.

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