Steps to Help Protect Your Cloud Assets

Steps to Help Protect Your Cloud Assets

In recent years, we have observed a shift from on-premise work to remote working operations.

The shift has made it easier for the employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Besides, the organizations are supporting the employees by transforming the physical assets into digital or cloud.

Although, the convenience of conducting business and operations have become easier.

But it has increased the threat to the cloud assets of the business.

It has become a challenge for businesses to maintain the security of their digital assets, data, and resources. It is a necessity to protect the cloud assets and prevent cyberattacks on them. Businesses can implement a wide range of tools and applications to add a layer of security and enhance protection.

When you protect the cloud assets of the business, it gives an assurance that ransomware attacks will not take place. It will not lead to any data breaches or brute force attacks.

Every business must embrace the cloud security steps to maintain high-level protection of the cloud assets.

Businesses can take help from cybersecurity professionals or service providers to implement cloud security. The objective of cloud security professionals is to enhance the security of digital/cloud assets and prevent cyberattacks.

We will share a few steps to enhance the protection of cloud assets and prevent cyberattacks.

#1 Focus On Detecting The Attacks On Cloud Assets:

Attacks On Cloud Assets

A survey conducted by the data security professionals revealed that 40 to 45 percent of security threats aim to exploit the cloud assets and resources of the businesses.

The objective of the attackers is to get hold of the confidential information and resources and get a ransom from the businesses. The first step to maintaining cloud assets security is to focus on detecting cyberattacks. Detection will help in faster recovery or complete prevention of attack. Besides, the business will be in a better position to respond to the situation. For the detection of cyberattacks, you need profound visibility through IaaS and SaaS platforms. It will help you to know about the attacks in real-time. The security professionals of business should watch out for these essential services to protect cloud assets.

  • IaaS Config
  • Customized Rules
  • SaaS Monitoring

#2 You Should Understand The Application Of the Shared Responsibility Model

Every business must understand that the cloud security providers collaborate with the existing business operations to maintain cloud security for the resources and assets. The organization must not think that you can shrug off the responsibility by transferring the data and resources to the cloud. The business organizations and cloud security work hand in hand to follow the shared responsibility model.

The business professional must take up the responsibility to protect the cloud data by supporting the security features and objectives and implementing them.

#3 Aim To Deploy Security Measures And Controls To Meet Security Objectives:

The priority of every business is to provide high-level security of cloud assets. It has to be implemented similarly as the physical security and protection works.

But for cloud assets, the technologies for security and protection will change. For on-premises resources, you embrace firewalls and software programs to secure the network. Or cloud assets, you will need to achieve the same goals with different tools and programs. Cloud assets protection requires multifactor authentication and improves cloud security.

#4 Businesses Must Prepare Themselves To Respond To Cloud Threats and Attacks:

Cloud Threats and Attacks

Businesses can have an in-house cloud security team or outsource the services. The essential thing is to understand how to respond to cyber challenges. If the business is under cyberattack and the cloud assets are at stake, the team must provide faster recovery.

Apart from this, the cloud security team must provide services in terms of:

  • Managed Investigations
  • Incident Response
  • Log Retention and Search

#5 You Should Enforce Identity Management To Improve Resource Access Requirements:

For protecting cloud-based assets and operations, it is essential to set an access management level. The staff will have access to various cloud assets and resources after identity verification. Moreover, it will have a strong authentication requirement to perform the verification process.


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