Make Hosting Easy With Managed Services & Support

Make Hosting Easy With Managed Services & Support

An effective managed services and support implements the latest technology that keeps you ahead of competitors, offers you a website that works smoothly, secures your customers’ data, and prevents cybersecurity threats.

What is a Managed Hosting?

What is a Managed Hosting_

A managed hosting is when a hosting company oversees the setup, support, management, and administration of an application and/or server.

Management services differ from host to host, but it typically comprises OS (operating system) patching and updates, 24/7 and 365 days of support, hardware management, and network infrastructure. It also includes basic security measures, which include spam filtration and protection from viruses, remediation, and monitoring of anything that could slow down the performance of the server.

It is the job of the managed hosting company to make sure that their client’s applications and websites are active and running. These guarantees are usually backed up by a service level agreement expressing how the client will be compensated by the managed hosting company if something goes down.

The Tradeoffs of Unmanaged Hosting

With unmanaged hosting, you will rent space on servers that are owned by the hosting company, but it is majorly a DIY (do-it-yourself) experience. You obtain a server with the OS of your choice, and then the hosting company is responsible for maintaining the physical environment and also operating the equipment in which the servers are kept. However, you will be responsible for remotely administering the server and that includes the responsibility of software monitoring, security, upgrades, and patching.

A typical example of an unmanaged hosting scenario is for you to receive a call in the middle of the night informing you that your servers are down and none of your customers can access your website. This is a horrible scenario that you wouldn’t want to find yourself in.

There are other effects of unmanaged hosting; they include:

  • Getting restricted by a slow-loading site
  • Crashing and burning when your site is needed most
  • Becoming a victim of cybersecurity threats
  • Struggling to budget for (and find) IT Help

Benefits of Managed Hosting

By opting for managed hosting, you’ll be able to avoid the tradeoffs of unmanaged hosting that are outlined above. In addition, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reduced risk
  • Staying up to date with the speed of business
  • Up to date with technology
  • Access to skilled experts
  • Helps you stay compliant

Types of Managed Hosting Services

There are different types of managed hosting service; some focuses on certain areas of operation while others are variations of the same solution but on different service levels. The different types of managed hosting services are:

1. Fully Managed Hosting (FMH)

Fully managed hosting is a high standard of managed hosting services. With fully managed hosting, companies can operate their business with little or no doubt for web hosting operations. From application performance to server deployment, the host oversees everything on your behalf. In case of a web application or website crashing, this host will assist you with recovery.

2. Semi-managed Hosting (SMH)

Some web hosting service providers have varieties of FMH plans. With fully managed hosting, the host will take care of everything on your behalf, but with the semi-managed hosting, the host task is reduced.

For example, the SMH plan is likely to come with maintenance and server deployment but may not provide other supporting services.

3. Managed App Hosting (MAH)

Some web hosting providers will only make managed hosting services available base on certain applications. A great example of this is the “managed WordPress hosting”.

With managed app hosting, the managed app provider ensures you have the right condition for your app to flourish. The host will also be accountable for making sure that the app is secured, well-updated, and is working optimally.

4. Managed Email services (MES)

Today, the majority of large businesses outsource their email services. Although, opting for a provider like Google may be too expensive, and you may get undesirable results. Even if your host manages your site well, you can still consider self-hosting email services.

By choosing a managed email services, you can specify email parameters like autoresponders, forwarders, disk quota, credentials, and more.

How to Choose a Managed Hosting Provider

How to Choose a Managed Hosting Provider

The level of support or hosting services offered by different managed hosting providers differs. So, you need to select carefully one that will serve what you want. Some factors to consider when choosing a managed hosting provider include:

1. Web Server Performance

It’s not every web hosting that’ll offer the same infrastructure specifications and hardware. These factors coupled with the host’s configuration expertise and deployment may influence the performance of the webserver.

2. Service Reliability

Possessing the fastest of the web hosting services wouldn’t amount to anything substantial if the service encounters frequent outages. While this is a difficult issue to assess, ensuring that the service level agreement (SLA) terms cover this area is an excellent idea.

3. Customer Support

Aside from being able to respond to your queries quickly, the customer support service team should also have the right expertise. The right expertise is particularly true for technical services, just as in the case of managed application hosting.

4. Security and Maintenance

You need to be aware of the extent of duties the hosting provider you want to subscribe to will provide. FMH should make sure that you won’t need to be worried about unpatched security vulnerabilities and outdated applications.

5. Value of Services

The value of services you’ll get from a managed hosting provider is another thing you should consider. Make sure you find out what you’ll be enjoying when you pay for managed services.


Managed hosting services bring many benefits to the table, but they are more expensive than unmanaged hosting. Regardless of the cost, the trade-in of expertise and time can be tremendously beneficial.

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