Smartphones are wonderful tools. They let you watch movies while you're taking the train to work. They let you make reservations at that hot new French restaurant, map out the quickest route to the theater in the next city, and give you access to the hottest online games.
But there's one weakness that almost every smartphone shares: short battery life.
This is a frustrating problem. As you're logging onto the Web, checking your e-mail messages, and making phone calls, you're draining your phone's battery. With many of the top smartphones on the market, you're fortunate to make it home after the workday with enough battery life left to squeeze in one quick call for take-out food.
As PCWorld magazine explains, the problem comes down to this: Smartphones do too much. And by doing so, they consume more than their fair share of power.
There are steps, though, that you can take to increase the life of your smartphone's battery. And PCWorld shares them with you. By shutting off some of your phone's extra features, you might be able to squeeze enough extra juice out of your battery to keep your smartphone humming all day long.
Dimming that smartphone screen
First, PCWorld recommends that you dim your cell phone's screen. A bright, cluttered screen display sucks the life out of batteries. By switching your screen's brightness level to the lowest you can stand, you'll already be doing much to boost the lifespan of your smartphone's battery.
Screen lighting
You can save battery power, too, by adjusting how quickly your screen stays lit after receiving an input such as a screen tap. The longer your screen stays lit, the worse it is on your battery life.
PCWorld also recommends that you turn off Bluetooth when you aren't expecting a call or when you aren't driving in your car. Bluetooth, because it is constantly listening for outside signals, is another major drain on your battery. By shutting it off, you'll again significantly increase the life of your smartphone's battery.
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