InformationWeek columnist Kevin Coleman has some not so good news for us: The United States is slowly falling from its perch as the globe’s technology and science leader. Instead, Coleman writes, the country is gradually - but steadily - becoming a technology laggard.
The problem
Coleman writes that research-and-development, science and technology investments in the United States aren't keeping pace with those by other nations. Simultaneously, the United States faces an ever-growing threat from smarter and more unrelenting cyber thieves. Both of these factors are chipping away at the United States' long held dominance of the technology world.
Not always this way
As Coleman writes, the United States has long been known for its mastery of science and technology. Coleman states that science and technology might be the most important part of the country's economy. The United States still spends much more than any other country on science and technology research and development, Coleman says. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the country isn't losing ground with regards to tech.
A powerful China
Part of the reason is that other countries, for example China, are investing more in technology. As Coleman writes, the BBC has reported that by the end of this year the United States will no longer be the top country for scientific output. Instead, that country will be China. Coleman also cites a U.S. Intelligence Community report saying that the United States' technological superiority is diminishing in important areas. The solution? Coleman says that we have to invest more in education, something that will turn out more scientists and engineers.
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