How many of these bad tech habits are you guilty of?

You might see yourself a tech-savvy sort, one who would never fall victim to a few of the bad tech habits that increase your chances of being hacked or having your smart phone stolen. However, you may just be surprised at how many of the worst tech habits that you practice. Fortunately, PCWorld just recently ran a list of many of the most dangerous tech habits. Study this list, make the necessary adjustments and guard yourself from hackers and computer failures.

Easy Target

Several of the most severe tech bad habits recognized by PCWorld allow you to be an easy target for thieves. For instance, do you leave your smart phones or tablets sitting at your booth in the coffee shop when you run to the counter to get another shortbread cookie? Leaving your devices unattended and in plain sight will make it possible for criminals to swiftly snatch them and disappear. Or what if you spend all your waking minutes watching your smart phone screen without paying attention to your surroundings? This bad tech habit can hurt, too. As you are staring at your screen, you don’t notice that suspicious guy walking near you. Before you expect it, the guy’s popped you in the nose, grabbed your smart phone and run away.

Bad Health

Bad tech habits may harm your health, too. Maybe you sit all day long hunched right in front your computer. This bad posture can lead to serious back pain. It may also cause carpal tunnel syndrome. The solution here? Sit up straight, take frequent computing breaks and purchase an appropriate chair that places less stress on your back. Speaking of breaks, another bad tech habit is not taking any. As PCWorld says, your can hurt your eyes, strain your back and blur your thought processes if you insist on spending the whole work day focusing on your computer screen. Make sure you take regular breaks to keep yourself healthy.


Some of PCWorld’s bad tech habits can leave you without your most crucial files or reveal your personal data to hackers. Do you ever use the same password for multiple Web sites? You could be in serious trouble, then, if a hacker cracks that password and gains access to the private information you have stored at these sites. Are you guilty of the serious oversight of not backing up your important files? If your computer’s hard drive should crash, you could potentially lose them all.

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