Smartphones, tablets and laptops are fantastic tools: They allow us to search the Internet, answer e-mail messages and watch video whether we’re sitting on the train or waiting for our flight at the airport. But these devices can certainly be dangerous, too. If they fall into the wrong hands, your information, from your online banks accounts to your e-mail messages to your Facebook pages, can fall prey to cyber thieves. And there’s little limit to the damage they can cause. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to protect your privacy even in today’s age of mobile computing, and as Forbes says, these steps are very easy.
Password Protection is Key
We all count on a host of electronic devices today, from smartphones to laptops to tablets. What if you lose one of these devices? What if they’re stolen? Just how much information could the wrong people access, and just what damage will they do with it? Luckily, you can safeguard yourself by requiring users enter a password to unlock your device. That way, if somebody does steal your tablet, that person might not be able to get into your online savings account.
Online Google Alerts
Google Alerts are a nifty tool. Just tell Google what interests you, and every time that thing is mentioned online, Google sends you an alert. You can even tell Google to alert you whenever your name is thrown about online. This is an excellent way to keep an eye on what others are saying about you on the internet. By doing this, you’ll know immediately if your privacy is being violated online.
Signing Out Matters
You just finished updating your Facebook page. You’ve just transmitted money electronically to your PayPal account. What should you do now? Make certain, before you leave the site, that you simply sign out. This is particularly important if you’re using a computer at a library or any other public place. You wouldn’t want the next user to see your accounts and gain easy access because you’re still signed in. We’re all busy. However you are not too busy to remember to sign out.
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