Tech will change your business in 2013. Here’s how

Remember when you sent faxes to your clients regularly? Today, that fax machine, if your office still has one, is most likely covered with dust. That’s because business technology is constantly changing. Businesses must constantly adapt to these changes if they hope to thrive. That’s something that CIO Magazine recognized in its recent glance at the key tech trends that could change the way companies operate in 2013. This year’s list is again a remarkable one, demonstrating yet again how rapidly technology is advancing. Need to keep your company on the cutting edge in 2013? Then check out these three tech trends that CIO Magazine says are changing the business world.

Hospitals and BYOD

There’s a reason why more companies adopted the BYOD – bring your own devices – movement last year. When employees bring their personal tablets or laptop computers to work, hook up to a company network and then perform their tasks on their own devices, they generally tend to become both happier and more efficient. This boosts the bottom line of companies. At the same time, companies that embrace BYOD don’t need to provide individual computers for their employees. This year, CIO Magazine says, the BYOD movement will grow even stronger as increasing numbers of businesses – even highly secure ones including hospitals – being encouraging their workers to bring their own iPads to work.

3-D Printing Continues to Soar

3-D printing has made a big effect on businesses. The capability to use a printer to create objects with heft and depth – for example plastic machine parts – is definitely an amazing one. And CIO Magazine predicts that more businesses will discover this in 2013. In fact, CIO Magazine predicts that 3-D printing will become a breakthrough technology this year for business owners.

The End of Passwords?

Passwords have long been a technological problem for businesses. A great number of their employees rely on their children’s names, street addresses or favorite soccer team when coming up with passwords. These passwords are easier for hackers to guess. When hackers guess a password, they are able to quickly gain access to confidential company information. But what if companies instead relied on biometrics to secure their computers and confidential data? That day is on its way, predicts CIO. In biometrics, companies use such body parts as the iris’ of their workers’ eyes or their fingerprints as replacements for passwords. It really is a secure option for businesses to guard their critical data.

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