Browser Choice and Your Personality

There are a lot of different web browsers available today for people to pick from. This list includes browsers like Opera, Chrome, Firefox, and classic Explorer. What is it that makes someone choose one over another? Does your choice in browsers say something about your personality? thinks so.

Different Key Strokes for Different Folks

According to the article, if you are a Chrome user you are more prepared to try new things. Even if these new things aren’t fully tested, you jump in with both feet.

If you use Firefox, according to Blogthings you are untamed. In contrast, if you use Explorer you are down-to-earth and are not quick to make extreme changes in your life. And what about Opera? Then you’re creative and adaptive. It’s easy for you to think outside the box, according to the article.

Explorer Still Number One

Although a lot of people use Chrome and Firefox, Explorer still reigns as the most widely used. The site W3Counter says that Explorer holds a market share of 28.8 percent in the browser world. Second is Chrome, coming in with 26.4 percent. Firefox has 23.3 percent, and Safari 6.2 percent. Opera ranks fifth with a market share of only 2.3 percent.

Searching for the Right Browsers

The Blogthings quiz is fun, but an array of users rely on each of these browsers. Some people use several browser depending on what they are using the Internet for at any moment. Our advice? Don’t simply take the browser that is included with your pc. Sure, it might become your favorite one. But you’ll don’t know this until you try the competitors. You could find that some smaller browser out there is the perfect fit for you.</p

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