Alternatives to Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is an amazing tool. It lets organizations edit the images they need to build professional-looking brochures, pamphlets, and marketing materials. The problem is that Photoshop is far from inexpensive. A quick online scan will show that newer versions of this image-editing program can run higher then $600. For small business owners on a budget, this program just is not practical. This doesn’t mean, though, that these small business owners don’t have photo-editing options. In fact, businesses can select from a number of alternatives that are not only cheaper but are actually free.

Of course, these programs are not as powerful as Photoshop. But they have adequate photo-editing features for small business owners to easily create professional looking material. Below is a list of the best free photo-manipulation programs currently available.


GIMP is very easy to use and possesses most of the features from Photoshop that a business owner might need to create marketing material. The best thing about GIMP is that it’s completely free!


Do you remember MSPaint? It came standard with the Windows operating system. Paint.NET is its successor and is a really powerful and free photo editor. It includes its own special effects and an unlimited undo; this is great for people who want to play around with the effects. The one negative of this program is it only works with Windows.


Picnik is a free program that works on Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems. This program has some really fun effects such as blurring, darkening, and lightening images. It’s probably the most popular free editing programs, as you don’t have to download files to utilize it.

There is no need to purchase the expensive Photoshop program to make professional looking pamphlets. For the small business owner on a budget, any of these programs will do the trick and keep standards high.

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