You hear the term “nanotechnology,” and what do you think of? Sci-fi, maybe robots, something along those lines? The truth is, nanotechnology is making life simpler for all of us. At its heart, nanotechnology is the science of working with matter on an atomic and molecular scale. The hope is that scientists can use nanotechnology to make new materials and products that boast an array of purposes.
The practical side of nanotechnology
To give you an example of how nanotechnology can effect your daily life here is an article that Science Daily ran last month. The article states that scientists are creating a way to use nanotechnology to reduce the amount of friction in car engines and machines. This technology will make machines operate more proficiently; prolonging their lives. Based on the article, tiny polymer particles were created and dispersed in oils used in automobile engines. They were then tested in conditions similar to car engines and found to minimize friction substantially.
More efficient motors
Even when dispersed at low concentrations they decreased friction considerably, even more so then the friction additives currently being used in many industries today. How much more do they reduce friction? By about 55 percent more! Nanotechnology is a expanding industry so expect more findings like this. In fact it is growing so quickly that the United States recently launched a national strategy to ensure that environmental, health, and safety research requirements are addressed in the field.
The emerging world of nanotechnology
Next time you think of nanotechnology think about your car’s engine. Some day nanotechnology could be responsible for helping you save lots of money due to your engine using less gas.
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