"In This Period Of Economic Crisis,

Maybe It’s Time You Took A Closer Look At What You’re REALLY Getting For The Money You’re Spending On IT Services And Support"

"Huge Savings on Infrastructure Costs"

“The biggest benefits to our company since moving to the cloud has been a savings on infrastructure costs (not having to house/ host servers), dedicated help desk support, and the ability to access information from any location. To someone sitting on the fence about using Kloud9, I would say the team has been responsive, and the techs are high quality.”  Jim LaFleur, Vice President, Business Underwriters Associates

"Like Having Our Own Internal IT Department"

“Lawyers are expected to work in real time constantly and they do not have time to be down. Kloud9 IT provides quick response times and consistent service. Their highly skilled team is able to orchestrate our network in such a way that all of our applications work seamlessly together. Whenever we have a problem with anything I can call in and you guys easily get on our computers to resolve the issue. We look to you guys as the equivalent of our own internal IT department like we have computer engineers onsite standing by like a police department waiting for our call. We call the Kloud9 IT team and we know our tech issues will be fixed quickly.” Nick Phillips, Senior Partner, Phillips & Mille Law Firm

"Competent, A Pleasure to Work With"

“We recently began working with Kloud9 and I have to say that when I call in for help the technicians are very knowledgeable. Their direct, personal approach to doing business makes you feel like they are part of your own team. Every tech that I have worked with has been a pleasure. The technicians do an excellent job of staying on top of the ticket while communicating with me every step of the way.” Renee Survance, Accounting Manager, Lou-Ray Associates


From the Desk of: Trent Milliron
CEO, Kloud9 IT

Dear Colleague,

If someone could prove to you that tens of thousands of dollars were being unintentionally “stolen” from your organization – while simultaneously exposing you to hard losses that could stack up to the millions – wouldn’t you want them to tell you about it?

My name is Trent Milliron, owner & CEO of Kloud9 IT. On the surface, we appear to be “just another” IT firm, but what we really deliver to CEOs like you is a profit-centric approach to IT. Our deliverable is MONEY, EFFICIENCY and peace of mind (SECURITY). Our approach is unique: We ensure your IT systems and investments actually drive profitable growth and shareholder value, not just “make your computers work.”

I do realize that my opening claim may seem “sensational,” and that you’d be tempted to throw this letter away thinking I’m just another crackpot consultant looking for a paycheck. Maybe you think, “we’re fine.” It’s natural to insist, “Not in MY company,” or to think your IT team or company has you covered.

But I can assure you of this: Like Sherlock Holmes, I have never failed to find significant and preventable losses that were occurring in the companies I’ve audited – and it’s my firm belief that right now, this very minute, such losses are occurring in YOUR organization. You ARE being underserved and left unprotected. If you have even a sneaking suspicion that even some of this is true, at what point would it be irresponsible to be “too busy” to investigate it?

I’m So Confident In My Ability To Demonstrate
How You’re Being Underserved That I’ll Guarantee It

Because I’m so confident in what we do, I’m willing to make you the following good-natured bet:

If I am unable to satisfactorily demonstrate how we can improve your bottom line through lower IT costs, improved efficiencies, better workflow and higher productivity, as well as reveal inadequate cyber security and compliance protections, then I’ll donate $200 to the charity of your choice. It’s that simple.

Why would I do this? Two reasons.

First, I know your time is extremely valuable and you don’t have time to mess around with companies that don’t have anything of value to offer. By putting my money on the line, you can see how serious I am about not wasting your time.

Second, with the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, it’s more critical than ever to watch every penny. I’ve spent the last 14 years perfecting our ability to deliver profit-focused IT – and we’re really good at it. That’s why I simply want the opportunity to prove ourselves.

Here Are A Few Of The Ways Money Is “Unintentionally” Exiting Your Organization

Grossly Inadequate Data Compliance And Cyber Security Protections

When a cyber-attack happens, the losses stack up and multiply. First, there’s an instant loss of productivity. At best, you’re crippled. In the worse cases, you’re completely shut down, unable to transact, unable to deliver promised products and services to clients and unable to operate. In other cases, thousands if not millions of dollars are drained directly from your accounts without any chance of recovery.

Then you’ have the loss of critical data, reputational damages, potential lawsuits and government fines. The epicentre of this disaster lands DIRECTLY on YOUR desk for YOU to deal with – a problem that WILL significantly undo your best laid plans for growth and progress.

Yet despite this, we have found 1our of 4 companies that we’ve audited are GROSSLY unprepared and unprotected from a ransomware attack or other major cyber security event EVEN THOUGH they have invested heavily in IT staff and resources. Before we showed them irrefutable evidence of these inadequacies, the CEO was convinced his “IT team had it handled.” A ticking time bomb they didn’t know was “live” under their seat.

Chronic IT “Glitches” And Downtime

As the saying goes, “Overhead walks on two legs.” Any CEO knows that unproductive, distracted workers not only kill profitability, but increase the chances of mistakes, missed deadlines, sloppy work and low morale. A frustrated team is not a productive one.

Yet we find that most CEOs don’t realize just how often their employees are being interrupted and distracted due to recurring IT failures because it’s “hidden” from them. Many are shocked to discover their employees are dealing with chronic IT problems that are constantly getting in the way of serving clients, closing sales and doing their job, forcing them to stop what they are doing, re-doing the work they just spent hours doing, or possibly NOT doing what they are supposed to do. Just one hour of this a day adds up when multiplied over an entire year and your entire workforce. We resolve ALL of this.

“Maverick” Spending, Poor Utilization And Undisciplined Planning

Many companies we’ve audited have a mishmash of patch-work technology pieced together like an old quilt. A “Frankenstein” monster lumbering along. Nothing matches, nothing works as efficiently as it should and the entire IT system is awash in inefficiencies, duplicate and redundant resources and outdated technologies. Over time, pieces are added like band aides instead of being elegantly designed as a whole to maximize productivity and lower the total cost of ownership. Our approach is to eliminate ALL of this and ensure a well-crafted plan is put in place to maximize productivity, security and efficiencies.

Call my office at 1-844-KLOUD9IT (5568394) and reference this letter to schedule a brief 12-minute initial consultation. You may also send me an e-mail to info@kloud9it.com or click the link above.

On this call we can discuss your unique situation, any concerns you have and of course, answer any questions you have about us. If you feel comfortable moving ahead, we’ll schedule a convenient time to conduct our proprietary Kloud9 IT Systems Assessment.

This Assessment can be conducted 100% remote with or without your current IT company or department knowing (we can give you the full details on our initial consultation call). At the end of the Assessment, you’ll know:

  • Where you are overpaying (or getting underserved) for the services and support you are currently getting from your current IT company or team.
  • Whether or not your systems and data are truly secured from hackers and ransomware, and where you are partially or totally exposed.
  • If your data is actually being backed up in a manner that would allow you to recover it quickly in the event of an emergency or ransomware attack.
  • Where you are unknowingly violating data breach or compliance regulations.
  • How you could lower the overall costs of IT while improving communication, security and performance, as well as the productivity of your employees.

Fresh eyes see things that others cannot – so at a minimum, our free Assessment is a completely cost and risk-free way to get a credible third-party validation of the security, stability and efficiency of your IT systems.

At The End Of This Assessment, One Of 3 Things Will Happen

Option 1 is that you’ll love the plan we provide (and may be shocked by what we uncover) but may decide to implement it on your own. If that’s the case, we’ll wish you the best of luck and hope you’ll keep us in mind for future projects.

Option 2 is that you’ll love the plan and will want my team’s help in implementing it. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park … and that’s a promise I’ll guarantee.

Or finally, in the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you wasted your time and have NOT demonstrated, to your satisfaction, how to lower your IT costs and dramatically improve your situation, we will send a check for $200 to your charity of choice, no questions asked.

Think about it: the “worst” that can happen is you get $200 to your favorite charity for having an independent, credible third party validate the security, efficiency and stability of your IT systems. To get started, please call or e-mail me to schedule a quick initial phone consultation to answer your questions and see if you’d like to proceed.

Awaiting your response,


Trent Milliron, CEO
Kloud9 IT
Phone: 1-844-KLOUD9IT (5568394)
E-mail: info@kloud9it.com


P.S. Not ready to meet yet? Then at least go online and download our FREE report, “21 Critical Questions Every CEO Should Be Asking Their IT Team Right NOW.” I’ve had numerous CEOs use this as a “pop quiz” to see IF their IT team could say “yes” to even half of what we’ve outlined here. Be prepared to be shocked. You can download it instantly at: www.kloud9it.com/21 Questions

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