8 Email Hacks You Never Knew Existed

8 Email Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Nowadays you can witness the rise of online business. Every single thing right from shopping payments, communication to getting a wide range of services is happening online. In such scenarios, it becomes essential for every individual to be concerned about online security. If you are neglecting such important things, then you are creating a huge problem for yourself. When you are not protecting your smart devices and gadgets you are making yourself vulnerable to the cyber attack.  One of the most sensitive things in your email.

If your email accounts are unprotected, then it will allow the cybercriminals and hackers to easily break into the accounts and steal confidential information or your credentials. Hence it is essential to keep your email account protected from such cyber attacks. But how will you do it?

Well, don’t worry, here are some amazing email hacks that will help you with protecting your email accounts.

Every User Must Have Separate Email Accounts

Generally, people have only one email account which they use for everything. Only one email account is used for personal as well as professional activities. Well, this means that you would be having all sorts of notifications, messages, newsletters, etc in just one account. Having all the data in one email account makes it easy to lose the data. If the email account gets hacked, then you would lose everything within seconds. How to avoid such situations?  The smartest way is to make use of two separate emails - one for personal use and another for professional use. It will help you in boosting the security of the data in both the email accounts. 

You Should Make Use Of Strong And Unique Passwords

Whether you use one email account or prefer to have multiple email accounts, always ensure that you are using a strong password to protect the account. You must never reuse the same passwords for any other online accounts. It will increase the vulnerability of the account. If the hackers are able to break into anyone’s account then it becomes easier to break into different online accounts. Well, it is the simplest hack, but still many people do not follow it.

Note: You can make use of password managers that help you to create extremely strong and unique passwords, and the best part is you don’t have to remember these passwords.

Apply Two Factor Authentication To Protect The Email Accounts

It is extremely beneficial to have a strong and unique password. But along with that, you must employ two-factor authentication for your email account protection. With two-factor authentication, you can drastically increase the security of your account. In addition to your existing password, 2FA will provide a secondary code (usually from your phone) to log in.

You Must Always Be Aware Of The Phishing Attack That Can Make Your Email Accessible To Other Cyber Criminals

The senders of the phishing email claim they are from renowned companies such as Amazon, Apple, or any prominent bank account. They come up with a message that it is something wrong with your account. It is done in order to create a panic situation and the receivers click on the link provided inside it. In this way, the scammers can lure the email receivers to the wrong or malicious links and steal the information. To avoid such situations, you must install anti-phishing software programs that will easily detect such phishing emails and present mishap.

Never Try To Open Unsolicited Attachments

Just like malicious links are sent through the emails, the scammers also do the same by sending attachments. These attachments contain virus programs that can easily get installed on your system when you download or open it. Therefore, if you receive an email that is unsolicited, you shouldn't open any of its attachments. It might look absolutely fine to you but it has hidden dangers 

Always Have A Habit of Scanning The Emails Before Opening It

Before you read an email, try to open the attachments provided into it or click on the link, you must scan the mails. The scanning process will help you in determining whether there is any malware present or not. Even if the mail is from your office or from your friend always run a malware scan. 

Never Access Your Personal Email Accounts When Using Public Network

It is a known fact that the public wi-fi is not secure. But if you are still using it then ensure that you do not access any of your personal accounts such as email accounts or bank accounts. The hackers are always waiting for such a situation when your accounts are unprotected and could be easily hacked into. 

Making Use Of Public Computers - Never Login To Your Email Accounts

Whenever you are using a public computer you should not log in to your personal email accounts. It might happen that hackers could have installed keyloggers or any malicious programs which could easily steal your credentials and hack into your email account.


If you do not want to be the victim of the hackers and wish to keep your email accounts safe, just ensure that you are following these points. It will protect your account from malicious attacks. 

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