Using Google Hangouts Yet? Why Not?!?

5 Reasons Your Business Should Start Using Google Hangouts

Google is fast becoming rather notorious for launching new programs then casting them aside whenever the mood changes. Witness Google Wave, Google Buzz and now Google Reader. (I’m still ticked about this one!) Despite many predictions of a similar fate for Google , Google Hangouts, their latest wonder-app, may just save the collective Google bacon.

Google Hangouts - So what is it exactly?

The short version is that Google Hangouts are a great way to connect with others via a live video chat, one that can be recorded and used in various platforms and in many ways. Joined at the hip with your Google account, a hangout is extremely easy to launch, and has a goldmine of attractive features for marketers. You can host a hangout with up to ten other people, and many more can watch live at your YouTube channel, Google page, or a web page. Google records the entire affair, and delivers a YouTube URL to you after you’re done, that you can then use in your marketing in several ways.

Marketing with Google Hangouts

There are oodles of ways to integrate Google Hangouts into your marketing. Here are 10 ways people are using effectively.

  • Webinars - A free replacement for expensive webinar systems such as GoToWebinar.
  • Conferences - Setup shop at any conference you happen to be attending and share the experience!
  • Meetings - Hold virtual meetings in an informal, yet immediate venue.
  • Product Launches - A creative way to create positive buzz on launch day. (Or before!)
  • Interviews - Capture interviews with others on the fly with Google Hangouts!
  • Product Demos - Show people what you’ve got, live and in person!
  • Virtual Press Conference - Share newsworthy items via Hangouts.
  • Live Streaming Events - Many marketers are now using Google Hangouts as their own live TV station, broadcasting weekly shows.
  • Q & A with Customers - Find out what your customers want and need easily. Great trust builder!
  • Podcast from your Hangout - Making a Podcast to share through iTunes is incredibly easy to accomplish.

Google Hangouts is a terrific new tool to add to your marketing mix. Don’t miss your opportunity to connect with your customers in a meaningful way.

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