Time to buy a computer monitor? Do your research

Is it time for it to upgrade your LCD computer monitor? Guess what? It’s not as straightforward a task as you may think. This is because not all LCD monitors are created equal. Some respond quicker. Others do a better job reproducing colors. And, not surprisingly, some are simply pricier than are others. For anyone who is searching for a new LCD monitor, you’ll want to take a look at your computing habits. Do you mostly use your computer for creating reports, searching the Web and sending e-mail messages? Or do you use it watch movies and TV shows? Perhaps you use it to create art. This all matters if you are searching for the right LCD monitor for you.

Size isn’t everything that matters

The Lifehacker Web site recently took a closer look at LCD computer monitors. And, as writer Whitson Gordon says, size isn’t the only thing that matters. Actually, it might be one of the least important considerations. As reported by Lifehacker, fans of video games might prefer what is known as a “TN” monitor since their screens refresh at a quicker rate. Graphic designers, though, might prefer an “IPS” monitor that boasts sharper colors and better viewing angles. The message of the Lifehacker story? You should do your research before purchasing your next monitor.


The Coding Horror blog, by writer Jeff Atwood, says that most monitors sold these days are TN models. That’s because these monitors are less costly. They also have screens that respond quickly. But TN monitors aren’t perfect. Coding Horror ranks their viewing angles and color reproduction capabilities as only average. Users can also choose from IPS monitors, which boast excellent color reproduction and excellent viewing angles. Their response times are solid, though not as quick as those of TN monitors. The downside? They are the most expensive monitors out there.

The affordable choice

Consider the VA monitor as being the sound middle choice. Coding Horror says that these monitors boast good color reproduction capabilities and good viewing angles. The response time, though, for these monitors is only average. Also, the monitors’ colors typically shift when uses look at them from the wrong angle. These monitors cost more than TN monitors but less expensive than their IPS cousins.

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