Three Myths About Cloud Computing

Do you think cloud computing is a temporary thing, something that computer users will soon tire of? Maybe you think storing data in the cloud is an fundamentally risky move. Or maybe you think cloud computing is too expensive. If you do, you’re guilty of believing some of the most widespread myths about cloud computing.

Myth: Cloud Computing Is a Fad

Many people think that cloud computing is just the hottest fad and that its level of popularity will eventually plummet. However, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. For example, some of the most popular tech services offered to consumers today are instances of cloud computing. Gmail, iTunes, Amazon, and eBay are some examples. Then there are online banking sites and discount travel sites. All of these offerings are powered by the cloud, and customers are flocking to all of them.

Myth: The Cloud Is Risky

Many companies are reluctant to adopt cloud computing for fear that their data will be more exposed to hackers. It doesn’t help that there have been a few instances of high-profile outages, such as one that recently hit Amazon Web Services. These events often stick in our memories. Nonetheless, if this is something you are concerned with, there are options other than putting all of your important data on a public cloud. Manage Services Providers offer cloud services on a private cloud where your data is quite secure. One advantage to this is that if your information is saved in the cloud, multiple people in your company can have access to it. Additionally, if your hard drive crashes, you will not lose all your data.

Myth: Cloud Computing Is Costly

As with any service, if a company wasn’t formerly paying for it, it becomes an added expenditure. But while a company may pay more upfront, in the end they will spend less on labor, as being able to share information over the cloud is much more effective. All in all, cloud computing is more cost effective.

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