Get Rid of Spam With Filters

Tired of searching through countless spam email messages whenever you examine your inbox? The good news is that you don’t have to tolerate spam. You can take several easy steps to kick it out of your email inbox and life. We have given some of the ways below.

The Power of Filters

First, you could create a whitelist filter. Many email services provide users with filtering options. You can use these options to create filters that leave crucial email messages untouched while sending everything else into a secondary, less-important email folder. With the judicious use of filters, you can send email messages from specific senders to your main inbox. Those originating from other users – the ones that you don’t consider to be quite as important – will automatically be shuttled to other folders. You can then check these messages at your leisure.

A More Subtle Serving of Spam

A less well-known type of spam that is growing in popularity is bacn. This is more discreet, consisting of such things as e-newsletters that you either accidentally signed up for or no longer want. These emails, while not as spammy as those come-ons for discount Rolex watches or revolutionary diet pills, can still litter your inbox.

You can easily avoid these newsletters from filling your inbox, though, by creating a filter that automatically sequesters email messages with the word “unsubscribe” in it. This is valuable because email newsletters must give users the opportunity to unsubscribe from them. As a result, they all must contain the word “unsubscribe” somewhere within their messages. Obviously, you can manually unsubscribe from email newsletters, too. However, this will take more time and effort.

These two simple steps will help clear your inbox of its spam and they will undoubtedly make you a more productive computer user. So before you decide to spend the next 30 minutes deleting the spam or bacn from your inbox, make sure to set up the filters that will ensure that your most important messages stay a priority.

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