Prospective Clients Client Information First Name * Last Name * Email * Company * Phone Street Address 1 * Street Address 2 City * State * Postal Code * For the required questions below: please enter 0 if it does not apply. Users (logins) How many Users do you have? * How many Email Only Users do you have? * Workstations How many of the following workstations do you have? Windows Workstations: * Mac Workstations: * Linux Workstations: * Mobile Devices (Tablets, Smartphones, Chromebooks) How many mobile devices do you use? Servers (Virtual & Physical including SAN & NAS) How many of the following servers do you have? Physical: * Virtual: * How many servers will you need to back up? Total Amount of Data to Back-Up: Tolerance of Downtime: Please select one2 Hr12+ Hours24+ Hours Remote & Work From Home Employees How many employees do you have? Full Time Employees: Part Time Employees: Locations Please list all your business locations: Other Services Description of Services from recent IT Invoice (Can copy/paste) Additional Notes Is there anything else you feel we should know? Please list it here. Yes, I agree, I am an artificial being. Submit