b'The Tech Cumulus November 2022. continued from Covercan be incredibly detrimental to your business, Upgradingso dont take that risk.your network isFaster Internet Speedsthe best way toThink about how much more productive your business would be if you had faster Internet keep up with thespeeds. Your employees can get more done without having to deal with lag from poor ever-changingInternet services. Older networks cant keep up with the demands of modern technology. With landscape of thean older network, you will see slower Internet digital world. speeds that wont allow your employees tonew advancements made every day. Without utilize cloud storage systems and business applications at high speeds. Even youran upgraded and updated network, you may Upgrading your network comes with ancustomers will notice improvements in thebe unable to use many applications and abundance of benefits. Here are four of thespeed of your network if you use client-facingtechnologies that could improve your business. best for any business. applications in your business. Everyone winsAn upgraded network will allow you to connect when you have faster Internet speeds. with any apps you think will benefit your Better Network Securitybusiness. You can explore new tools without Cybercriminals are much more cunning thanNew And Better Hardware worrying about crashing your network. Youll we often give them credit for. They continue toOne of the best parts of upgrading youralso gain more freedom in choosing your new develop new cyberthreats and ways to attacknetwork is that youll receive new, moretech investments as you would be more limited various networks. If you havent upgraded inreliable hardware than what youve had in thewhen using outdated technology.some time, you are opening your business uppast. Youll gain access to more computing to a cyberbreach. New networks come with apower and larger storage space. More thanUpgrading your network is the best way to plethora of added security benefits that arentanything else, your new hardware will bekeep up with the ever-changing landscape possible with the old and outdated ones. Youdependable, and you wont have to worryof the digital world. If you havent upgraded want to make it as difficult as possible for aabout it failing on you. your network in a while, now is the best time cybercriminal to hack into your system andto do so. Plenty of benefits come with it, so steal valuable informationand one of the bestImproved Compatibility dont wait until you have to make a change. ways to stop a cybercriminal in their tracks isRemember how we said earlier that technologyBe proactive!by upgrading your network. One cyberbreachhas advanced rapidly? Its trueand there are I DIDNT KNOWUnfortunately, That Excuse Doesnt Replenish Your Bank Account, Cartoon Of Resolve A Data Breach Or Erase Any Fines And Lawsuits.Its coming . The Month That day a hacker steals critical data, rendering your office useless . That day whenyour bank account or credit card is compromised . Or that day whenyour customers private lives are uprooted .Cybercriminals and hackers are constantly inventing NEW ways to infiltrate your company, steal your assets and disrupt your life. The ONLY way to STOP THEM is this:You Must Constantly Educate Yourself On How To Protect Whats Yours!Now, for a limited time, we have the perfect way to help reduce your risk and keep you safe! Simply sign up to receive our FREE Cyber Security Tip of the Week. Well send these byte-sized quick-read tips to your e-mail inbox. Every tip is packed with a unique and up-to-date real-world solution that keeps you one step ahead of the bad guys. And because so few people know about these security secrets, every week youll learn something new!Next time you get a strange e-mail with a Get your FREE Cyber Security Tip of the Week paperclip, dont click on it!at www.Kloud9IT.com/weeklysecuritytipTechnology That Works!216-393-24842'