b'216-393-2484Deep WorkWHY 60% OF DATA BACKUPS By Cal Newport Its undeniable: were more distracted thanFAILBUSINESSES WHEN ever. From text messages and e-mail pings to social media and our own disruptiveTHEYNEEDTHEM MOSTthoughts, the relentless influx of distractions is sabotaging our productivity and even our ability to be present in our lives. Deep Work, by Cal Newport, is a compelling guide to help us take back our focus and cultivate more fulfillment in our work. Newport introduces readers to four rules to transform our minds and habits into a hyper-focused superpower: work deeply, embrace boredom, quit social media and drain the shallows. Through engaging stories and practical advice, the book outlines a framework for cultivating a deep work ethic, promising professional growth and a more profound sense of personal fulfillment. Deep Work is an essential read for those looking to navigate a distracted worldFrom natural disasters and cyber-attacks tofor. Free or cheap solutions may not offer with grace and achieve focused success. accidental deletion, there are many reasons athe robust features of more expensive business needs to back up its data. However,products. This can result in backups that Avasts latest findings on disaster recoveryare not as secure or reliable.May 2024 highlight an alarming issue for small and medium- Backup times are not optimal. If backups sized businesses (SMBs): 60% of data backupsare scheduled during high-traffic periods are not fully successful, and half of the attemptsor when data is being heavily modified, to recover data from these backups dont work.theres a risk that not all data will This monthlyThis leads to businesses being offline for anbecaptured.average of 79 minutes, costing them roughly publication$84,650 for every hour of downtime. Compatibility issues. As your business provided courtesyevolves, so do your systems and software. of Trent Milliron,Still, not all backups are created equal.However, new systems may not always CEO of Kloud9 IT. Its important youre aware of backup bestbe fully compatible with existing backup practices, so youre confident your backupsolutions. This can lead to situations solution will work when you need it most. where data is not properly saved or, even if it is, cannot be restored correctly Why Backups Are Failing because the formats or systems are no "Do It Right TheThere are a few common reasons backups arelongeraligned.incomplete or a restoration fails: Human error. Mistakes such as incorrectly First Time" configuring backup parameters, Backup products are unreliable: When itaccidentally deleting crucial files or comes to backups, you get what you payContinued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'