If You Fall Victim To A Cyber-Attack By No Fault Of Your Own, Will They Call You Careless…Or Just Irresponsible?
It’s EXTREMELY unfair, isn’t it? Victims of all other crimes – burglary, rape, mugging, carjacking, theft – get sympathy from others. They are called “victims,” and support comes flooding in, as it should.
But if your business is the victim of a cybercrime attack where YOUR client or patient data is compromised, you will NOT get such sympathy. You will be labeled careless and irresponsible. You may even be investigated and questioned about what you did to prevent this from happening – and if the answer is not adequate, you can be found liable, facing serious fines and lawsuits EVEN IF you have protections in place. Claiming ignorance is not an acceptable defense, and this giant, expensive and potentially reputation-destroying nightmare will land squarely on YOUR shoulders.
But it doesn’t end there…
According to the laws here in Ohio, you will be required to report any IT systems breaches, in which your clients personally identifiable information (PII) is exposed to cyber. If it becomes public, your competition will have a heyday over this. Clients will be IRATE and will take their business elsewhere. Morale will tank and employees may even blame YOU. Your bank is NOT required to replace funds stolen due to cybercrime (go ask them), and unless you have a very specific type of insurance policy, any financial losses will be denied coverage.
Yes, I’m Sure You Have An IT Company,
But Here’s How They Could Be Failing You
As a CEO myself, I understand that you have to delegate and trust, at some level, that your employees and vendors are doing the right thing – but it never hurts to validate that they are. Remember, it’s YOUR reputation, YOUR money, YOUR business that’s on the line. One mistake, one slip-up, even from a loyal and well-intentioned person, becomes YOUR nightmare.
Recently, there has been a significant increase in the sophistication, frequency and severity of cybercrime attacks.
We’ve been watching these trends and putting in place new technologies, protocols and services to protect our clients. Some we’ve been able to include in our normal fees and services to you – but some are newer, more effective and would be an add-on or replacement for what you have now, which requires us to take a closer look at your current protections and make recommendations based on your specific situation.
To prepare you for our discussion, we’ve compiled this report to educate you and provide details on why we are making these recommendations.
Started in 2006, Kloud9 IT is a complete technology solution provider. We are 100% committed to making sure business owners have the most reliable and professional IT service in Ohio. Our team of talented IT professionals can solve your IT nightmares once and for all.
Contact Kloud9 IT now to learn how a Virtual Desktop can give your organization a new level of flexibility and cost-savings.
Insurance Company
James S. Wunderlich
Cloud Computing Services
Maria Joseph
Email Spam Protection Implementation
Manufacturing Company
Law Firm
SaaS Implementation
I have been working with Kloud9IT for a year now, and I can say that they are one of the best IT service providers I have ever worked with. They have a thorough understanding of our requirements and are always willing to assist us with whatever we require. They are also ...Read More
Olivia Joe
Integrated cloud computing services
Darrell M. Hutchinson
Kevin D. Hatch
Latest Online Marketing Services to Improve the Online Presence of My Business
Jenson S. Powell
Implementing a Wireless Solution for Business Service Provided by Kloud9IT
Consulting Firm
Very good implementation and execution. Work hard to address issues quickly. Can't beat the support. Top notch
Automotive Repair and Parts Center
Support works quickly to identify and resolve issues remotely without the need for onsite support. Have a stable Cloud environment that allows us to work remotely anywhere with consistent results while eliminating the need for us to purchase hardware/software and worry about maintaining any updates ...Read More
Accounting Firm
Kloud9IT has suited us well over the years. The team at Kloud9IT responds promptly to issuessss
Industrial Broker
When IT issues are reported to Kloud9IT they are followed up on and resolved as soon as possible. Communication is always clear. Patience with “operator errors” is never an issue. No one is ever made to feel bad about making a call for help. I would highly recommend working with Kloud9IT. ...Read More
Title Agency
Working with Kloud9IT is like having family members take care of me. Mark was the first to work with my family and he not only helped but was personable. I got the feeling right away that if there was something he was unsure about (early on in his career I believe), he sought help through his co-workers ...Read More
Charter School
Kloud9IT offers a myriad of services that provides support to our staff 24/7. No question or issue goes unresolved. If you’re on the fence, know that Kloud9IT can assist your company with networking, database, email, and complicated business solutions. Integrating systems, record retention and ...Read More
Passenger Rail Company
Have never really had another IT firm prior to Kloud9IT, but Kloud9IT stuck with us during a very trying time as we almost closed the business but they worked with us to keep us up and running. Thank you. I would recommend Kloud9IT to anyone.
Manufacturing Company