b'216-393-2484Build: An Unorthodox Guide To Making Things Worth Making by Tony FadellBuild is an indispensable read for any business owner looking for motivation and practical advice. The book spans Tony Fadells journey from early-career product designer to accomplished leader, and offers a treasure trove of insights for anyone trying to run a successful business.Tonys real-world narrative, enriched by his experiences with icons like Steve Jobs, is compelling, easy to read and relatable. Each3Cyber Security Myths short chapter, ranging from five to 20 pages, tackles real-world challengesfrom start-up funding to critical career-life choices and workplace dynamics. What sets this bookThat Will Hurt Your apart is its blend of personal stories with the wisdom of Silicon Valley, all while advocating for a refreshingly old-school approach toBusiness This Year leadership and management. Build is a must-read for those who want to find real solutions to modern business problems.Working amid the ever-changing currents ofcyber security initiatives today is the belief that April 2024 technology and cyber security, businessescurrent security is good enough (39%).often find themselves entangled in a web of misinformation and outdated ideas. But failingOne of the reasons businesses may be misled to distinguish between myth and fact can putby the state of their security is the inherent your businesss security atseriousrisk. complexity of cyber security. In particular, its This monthlyincredibly challenging to track and measure publicationBased on expert research in the field, includingsecurity effectiveness and stay current on provided courtesyCompTIAs 2024 global State Of Cybersecuritytrends. Thus, an incomplete understanding of report, we will debunk three commonsecurity leads executives to think all is well.of Trent Milliron,misconceptions that threaten to derail your CEO of Kloud9 IT. success in 2024. Over 40% of executives express complete satisfaction with their organizations cyber Myth 1: My cyber security issecurity, according to CompTIAs report. In goodenough! contrast, only 25% of IT staff and 21% of business staff are satisfied. This could also "Do It Right TheFact: Modern cyber security is aboutbe accounted for by executives often having continuous improvement. more tech freedom for added convenience First Time" Respondents to CompTIAs survey indicatedwhile frontline staff deal with less visible that one of the most significant challenges tocybersecurity details.Continued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'