b'216-393-2484Trust by Hernan Diaz Well pause from your regular stream of business book content for an award-winning fiction novel called Trust.Trust by Hernan Diaz is an enthralling Pulitzer Prizewinning novel that masterfully blends genres and timelines. Set against the backdrop of New Yorks roaring 20s and the Great Depression, it delves into the lives of Benjamin and Helen Rask, a power couple whose fortune is as immense as the mysteries surrounding it. Diaz skillfully weaves a complex narrative that challenges readers to discern fact from fiction, exploring themes of wealth, powerand deceit.This literary puzzle captivates with its deep dive into class, capitalism and the influenceTRUST IS THE NEW CURRENCYof power on reality. Both a gripping tale and an intellectual journey, Trust offers a fascinating exploration of personalHow Wealthy Are You?relationships and societal constructs, making it an exhilarating read.March 2024 Today, most business transactionswhetherHowever, trust is increasingly difficult to earn. buying shampoo or tonights dinnerareThanks to the recent emergence of AI, frequent faceless. Thats why in our digital world, trustmishandling of personal data by companies is the new currency. This shift in consumerand relentless cyber-attacks, customers are This monthlybehavior, sometimes called the trustmore skeptical than ever. As product and publicationeconomy, is more than the quality of productsservice providers, PwC points out that we provided courtesyor services you offer; its about constructingare constantly evaluated by our customers a bedrock of reliability and transparency soon whether or not we are forces for good in of Trent Milliron,customers choose you over competitors. society. Make one slipup and that trust is CEO of Kloud9 IT. gone, perhaps for good.Trust keeps society running. Even the most trivial interactions rely on small acts of trust,How you handle data and use technology the Economist reported. This isnt lost onto influence your customers experience will company leaders either. PwCs 25th Annualdecide your fate in the trust economy. Prioritize "Do It Right TheGlobal CEO Survey reported that behindthe most important drivers of trustempathy, industry conditions, consumer trust is the mostreliability and integrityand grow your customer First Time" important predictor of a companys past andloyalty this year and in the years to come.future financial performance.Continued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'