b'216-393-2484The 5 Languages Of Appreciation In The Workplace A Culture Of Appreciation Improves If you loved Gary Chapmans NewWork And Customer Loyalty: York Times #1 bestseller, The 5 Love Languages, youll love its sister book written for the workplace,HERES HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN The 5 Languages Of Appreciation In The Workplace: Empowering Organizations By Encouraging People, co-authored with Paul White. By teaching the art of authentic appreciation, the book tackles the core issue: Do employees feel valued? When you learn your team members languages of appreciation, you can work to improve workplace relationships. Plus, the book includes a valuable MBA Inventory assessment to tailor your approach. Though some readers note that it repeats concepts from The 5 Love Languages, this new take is an excellent read for leaders aiming to improve relationships and elevate team performance.January 2024 The desire to feel valued, recognized andloyalty among people are to feel valued, appreciated is universal in Western culture,appreciated and respected.not only in our personal lives but also in the workplace. According to Great Place ToWe can all agree that appreciation is important, This monthlyWorks 2023 discretionary effort study, 37% ofbut how you show it matters. Appreciation publicationrespondents said that more recognition at workisnt a one-and-done event. (Sorry, but your provided courtesywould encourage them to produce better workannual Christmas party or Facebook customer of Trent Milliron,more often. Additionally, employees who feelappreciation post doesnt cover it.) To reap the CEO of Kloud9 IT. consistently recognized are 2.2X more likelybenefits of appreciation in your organization, to innovate and bring up new ideas and 2Xyou must weave it into company culture.more likely to say people at work go above and beyond. Working harder, smarter and happier Tips To Create A Culture thats a significant ROI. OfAppreciation "Do It Right TheA culture of appreciation is about being Similarly, customer appreciation drives loyalty,consistent. While significant events like First Time" engagement and company growth. A Forresteranniversaries, birthdays and holidays are great survey of 85,000 consumers found that theopportunities to recognize and appreciate top three emotions that inspire or discourageContinued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'