b'216-393-2484Company Of OneBy Paul JarvisWeve all heard that bigger is better, but is that necessarily true for your business? Sure, it may seem like a bigger business will bring more success and money into your life, but what will you have to sacrifice along the way? Company Of One by Paul Jarvis challenges the idea that growth is always good for business. He argues that growth for growths sake can actually harm a company and that entrepreneurs should instead build a profitable business that works for them and their idea of success. He provides sound advice on determining your ideal company size and building a business that services your customer instead of chasing exponential growth. If youreHelp Your Business Thrivetired of hearing the same old advice about the importance of continued growth, give Company Of One a read. With Co-Managed IT ServicesJune 2023Over the past few years, awareness about ITIT Services Providers Available For services has significantly increased. BusinessesMyBusinessThis monthlyof varying sizes recognize the need for and publicationimportance of utilizing IT services to protectWhen it comes to adding IT services to your provided courtesysensitive data, keep day-to-day operationsbusiness, there are essentially three main of Trent Milliron,running smoothly, increase productivityoptions. Sure, you could try incorporating CEO of Kloud9 IT. throughout various departments and stay up- new practices yourself, but this will take you to-date with the most recent technology trends.away from other projects, so its best to turn Without IT services, companies put themselvesto the professionals for what you need. One and their clients at risk. So, if youre looking tooption thats becoming rare is hiring an in-add these kinds of services to your business house IT team. This allows you to have an IT "Do It Right Theor are in need of an updateyou may wonderprofessional or team working at your business what your options are. on a daily basis. They can handle most minor First Time" tech issues in a timely manner and will always Continued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'