b'216-393-2484UNREASONABLE HOSPITALITYBy Will Guidara Will Guidara was only 26 when he took over the run-down brasserie Eleven Madison Park and transformed it into a Michelin three-star-winning, world-class restaurant within 11 years. Hissecret sauce? Over-the-top, out-of-the-box and exceptional hospitality that customers couldnt forget. Unreasonable Hospitality by WillGuidara offers valuable insights for business leaders who dont want to provide simple customer service but rather an extraordinary customer experience. Hisinnovative strategies, likecreating bespoke guest experiences and fostering a culture of thoughtful communication within his team, provide practical takeaways for any industry. Thisbook encouragesHackers Are Watching:leaders to rethink how they engage with customers and employees, illustrating that extraordinary service can turn routine interactions into powerful, memorable experiences that drive long-term success. Follow These Simple Steps November 2024 ForSafe Holiday Traveling This monthly publicationAs holiday travel picks up, hackers see a primeThisleaves a significant gap in protection, provided courtesyopportunity to exploit travelers who may let theirpotentially exposing entire organizations to of Trent Milliron,guard down on their digital security. Security risksserious risks. Heres how to safeguard yourself like phishing, public WiFi and lost devices canand your business during busy holiday travel.CEO of Kloud9 IT. easily compromise your personal information during travel. But its not just your data atSafety Tips For Before, stakewhen employees let their guard down,DuringAndAfter A Triptheycan unknowingly open the door to threats for "Do It Right Thetheirentire company. or a security breach that could ruin your trip, To avoid the stress of lost devices, stolen data According to World Travel Protection, only about FirstTime" 30% of companies require employees to followmakecyber security a priority by taking a few basic cyber security measures while traveling.simple steps before, during and after your journey.Continued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'