b'216-393-2484Get Out Of Your Own WayBy Mark Goulston And Philip GoldbergAs a business leader, you confront external obstacles daily. You likely have no problem devising solutions to these problems, but it becomes a different story when the challenges come from within. Most business owners #1 enemy is themselves. They second-guess their actions, grow envious of others successes and bottleneck important tasks while trying to devise the perfect solution. By reading Get Out Of Your Own Way by Mark Goulston and Philip Goldberg, youll learn how to overcome4 your self-defeating behaviors. We all have self-destructive habits that prevent usTHINGS TO DO NOW TO PREVENT from reaching our goals, even if we havent identified them. This book offers examplesYOUR CYBER INSURANCE CLAIM and advice to identify and overcome any internal behaviors that are setting you andFROM BEING DENIEDyour business back.Thank goodness is probably what Illinois- last year aloneyou want to make sure your October 2023 based manufacturing company ICS thoughtclaim is paid when you need it most.about having a cyber insurance policy with Travelers Insurance after a data breach inWhy Claims Get Denied2022. But after claims investigators pulledMost claims that get denied are self-out their microscopes, they found that ICS This monthlyfailed to use multifactor authentication (MFA)inflicted wounds, says Rusty Goodwin, the publicationacross all digital assets, which they hadOrganizational Efficiency Consultant at Mid-provided courtesyagreed to do in their policy. Travelers suedState Group, an independent insurance agency of Trent Milliron,ICS and won. The policy was rescinded,in Virginia.CEO of Kloud9 IT. and so were ICSs feelings of gratitude,Though we like to paint insurance companies which likely evolved into worried whispers ofas malicious money-grubbers hovering Oh,crap. oversize DENIED stamps over claims, denials Smart businesses like yours are adding cyberare usually the result of an accidental but fatal misrepresentation or omission by businesses insurance to their policies because they "Do It Right Theknow good security hygiene is just as muchor simply not letting an insurer know about changes in their security practices. However, a competitive advantage as it is a way to First Time" reduce business risk. But with cyber insurancethere are simple steps you can take to prevent premiums steadily increasingthey rose 62%a claim-denial doomsday.Continued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'