b'216-393-2484BlinkBy Malcolm Gladwell Start The School We make countlessYear Strongdecisions every single day. Some are simple, like determining what you haveParental Tech Tips To Ensure for breakfast, while othersAcademic Excellencerequire more thought, such as deciding whom to hire for your business. Do you ever feel like you take too long to analyze situations and wish you could come to a decision sooner? Thats exactly what youll learn to do after reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. In this book, Gladwell teaches readers how to turn off the analytical side of their brains and instantly make the right decision by utilizing their creative side. Through various studies, readers will learn about the power of subconscious decisions and why they should start trusting their intuition more often.August 2023 In the coming weeks, kids from around theshould do to keep their children protected and country will return to school to continue theirout of trouble.academic journey. Its an exciting time in their lives, and many begin the school year with highIf you have a kid returning to school this month, hopes and expectations. Do you remembertry utilizing some of the following strategies to This monthlyhow enthusiastic (or disappointed) you werehelp your child start the year strong. You may publicationwhen the first day of a new school year arrived?even help yourself along the way!provided courtesyNow that were parents, we can put specific of Trent Milliron,strategies and techniques in place to help ourCreate Guidelines CEO of Kloud9 IT. children find success when school resumes. Electronic devices like smartphones, tablets and video game consoles can be fun for kids Its interesting to see how much has changedbut can also be distracting. You shouldnt want since many of us were in school, especiallyyour children to be on screens all day, as it can from a technological standpoint. Nearly everydamage their mental health. Theres no one-"Do It Right Thekid starts middle school with a smartphone,size-fits-all approach to screen time, so you must tablet and laptop. While this has provideddetermine what works best for your situation.First Time" them with access to more information and opportunities, there are things that parentsContinued on Page 2 .Technology That Works!216-393-24841'