Contact Kloud9 IT for an emergency migration

Kloud9 IT can restore your operations and get you back up and running. Kloud9's OneKloud™ solution is a secure private cloud platform built for companies with High Regulatory and Compliance needs such as those in the Legal, Financial, Medial, and Government sectors. Our experts can quickly set up a secure cloud platform with your applications and we will work with your current provider on your behalf to recover your data.

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Cloud Solutions Offered To Legal, Financial, Medial, and Government Companies

Virtual Windows Desktop

A private Windows desktop in the cloud for each user

Dedicated Cloud Servers

Dedicated servers for maximum security

Software Hosting

Access your apps anywhere, anytime on any device

Microsoft 365 Office

Included MS Office licensing for all firm users

Microsoft 365 Email

Hosted Exchange with unlimited storage

Unlimited Support

Unlimited Cloud & Local IT support

SQL Server

Included SQL server licensing

Managed Backups

High data retention + quick recovery

Desktop Security

Cloud & desktop security, protection, monitoring

Cloud Storage

Storage for company docs, apps & data

Managed Migration

Rekall will manage & perform your entire cloud migration

Military Grade Security

Compliance, Security & Encryption

Mobile Device Access

Mobile Device Access Seamless cloud access from any device

2x Tier III Data Facilities

Redundant facilities in NJ & OH means maximum firm data protection

Anti Ransomware

Maximum protection against Ransomware attacks

Many businesses don’t prioritize disaster recovery. Improve your disaster preparedness with our FREE eBook.Learn more here